Independent Publishing vs. Traditional Publishing


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You know you have a story that’s waiting to be told.

But where to start? How do you turn your story into a book proposal, sample chapters, or something ready to publish on your own?

Do you self-publish? Do you publish traditionally? Do you get an agent? An editor?

How do you figure out your book idea? How do you organize your thoughts into a book? How do you find the time to actually sit down and write it?

When is the right time in your life to write this story? Are you behind? Do you need to bank several “lock this in the drawer” throwaway novels before you see success?

How do you start? How much time, money, energy, and other resources do you need to commit to make this bucket list dream happen?

And how do you get past the resistance that you know will come up? Those feelings of I’m not good enough, this story has already been told before, my voice doesn’t matter…

All of these questions and more are answered for you in a concise, unbiased, and easy-to-understand format that will help you make smart and joyful decisions to get the book of your dreams into your hands. (And the hands of many, many others!)

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audiobook, ebook


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