Passion + Productivity Codes


Have you struggled with following your passions sustainably, or at all?

The Passion + Productivity mini-course shares my spiritual approach to productivity that I currently use, after years of trying to beat productivity out of myself. It covers:

  • Finding peace with your productivity (healing and breaking through previous productivity paradigms to find your sustainable level of productivity)
  • Disconnecting and unhooking productivity from time to find sustainability in it
  • Achieving efficiency or potency with productivity (getting a lot done in a little time)
  • And the energetics of completely eradicating burnout from your relationship to production

This course is more about changing your energy first than it is about giving productivity tips and hacks—though if you want the latter I have dozens of books on it! But that is not this.



Have you struggled with following your passions sustainably, or at all?

The Passion + Productivity mini-course shares my spiritual approach to productivity that I currently use, after years of trying to beat productivity out of myself. It covers:

  • Finding peace with your productivity (healing and breaking through previous productivity paradigms to find your sustainable level of productivity)
  • Disconnecting and unhooking productivity from time to find sustainability in it
  • Achieving efficiency or potency with productivity (getting a lot done in a little time)
  • And the energetics of completely eradicating burnout from your relationship to production

This course is more about changing your energy first than it is about giving productivity tips and hacks—though if you want the latter I have dozens of books on it! But that is not this.

The course also breaks down three productivity paradigms that I myself have tried and been a part of, that I took some things from but ultimately have abandoned. One might say, I joined those communities and evolved, but took some pieces with me!

Those three paradigms are:

  • Hustle culture (aka constantly putting out new content + working a gazillion hours for a later retirement-like payoff)
  • Making time your b*tch (aka searching for the perfect schedule approach or tools)
  • Choose, settle, compromise (aka, you can have happiness or money, but not both because you’re [insert label here]) (this one to me is very sneaky and is heavily rooted in “starving artist” bullet points)

Almost all of my current productivity problems come from attempting to use these past paradigms and falling back into my old patterns that sort of worked back in the day. I discuss that part a bit too! I also talk about the current paradigm that I’m sticking to and have (mostly) been using, and the downsides and changes that I’ve had to make and things I’ve had to work through.

Results Expectations:

  • I cannot guarantee any results from taking this course. You are 100% responsible for your results.
  • Please reach out to me if you have questions about whether the course is right for you.


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